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Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea

43rd IMO 2002

KOR at IMO 2002 Jooncheol MinRingi KimIn Suk SeoYeong Dae KwonHae Kang LeeKyeong Su Choi

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results3136942378163693.98%G, S, S, S, S, S
Jooncheol Min760770275888.08%Silver medal
Ringi Kim661760266486.82%Silver medal
In Suk Seo661762284091.84%Silver medal
Yeong Dae Kwon665752311996.23%Gold medal
Hae Kang Lee461771266486.82%Silver medal
Kyeong Su Choi261763257883.89%Silver medal

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