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Czech Republic

Czech Republic

39th IMO 1998

CZE at IMO 1998 Martin ViščorPavel PodbrdskýLukáš VokřínekTomáš HanžlJan ŠťovíčekLibor Barto

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results232824332341351581.33%S, S, S, B, B, B
Martin Viščor7010701518356.46%Bronze medal
Pavel Podbrdský777701294988.52%Silver medal
Lukáš Vokřínek471770267382.78%Silver medal
Tomáš Hanžl3077032013468.18%Bronze medal
Jan Šťovíček2726201914565.55%Bronze medal
Libor Barto076670267382.78%Silver medal
Leader: Karel Horák
Deputy leader: Jaromír Šimša

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